viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

One of my favourite movies is the Elephant man, by the American director David Lynch!!!! It was made ion the year 1980 and it was stared by Anthony Hopkins ,Jhon Hurt.
This film relates the story of Joseph Merrick, a man who is born with a deformity in his hold body that gives him the appearence similar to an elephant. For this reason he suffers punisment and discrimination from others.
Actually, this film demostrates how humans being can not accept different people and how bad they can be, forgetting all kind of values and moralitythat they are supposed to have learnt during their childhood.

8 comentarios:

  1. I would like to watch it. When I read your articule I thing that is a interesting movie.
    have a nice wekeend.

  2. I watched this movie in the university.
    It was very sad, I could not stop crying!

    See you on Monday.

  3. I have pleasantly discovered through our blogs that you have very good taste, especially because I think that this movie is a classic for movie lovers.
    Congratulations for your election... =)

  4. i like that film...I read the book too..

  5. I haven't seen this movie but it looks so interesting!

    I will look for it on internet! lol
    C ya!

  6. So sorry, I do not know this film...
    I think I am gonna watch seems to be good

  7. I've never seen that movie...but everybody says that is really good, so I'll try to see it.


Talk, Talk
