viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

Vania formal letter´s correction!!!

Dear minister of transport,
Sp Sp

I am Vania Flores and I think that (x) me (and) 1.800.000 people in Santiago are upset because of the transportation system. I agree that there are many buses on the street, but (x) only in downtown.Actually p in Places far from Santiago city like, p San Bernardo, Nos, Buin and Paine Transiantiago Sp is awful. I have to walk, p 30 minutes from my home to the bus stop, p then p I have to wait a lot, because only 1 bus past f over the street. So p I have to wait or (x) take a taxi, but that is really expensive and I can't afford it.Before I take the bus I have to walk to take another bus or take the subway. When I take another bus I have (x) an hour else traveling Sp . But, if I take the subway p I have 30 minutes in a line on the station and then 30 minutes in the carriage. It’s a mess; I have to spend 2 hours in the morning and 2 and a half in the afternoon, because I have to form lines for everything.
I think that when you ww implemented the new system you ww should keep t the old buses, but change f the pay form.This new transportation system has change t people's life in a negative way. We are more irritable and aggressive, because we are always late.So, we need changes, because we don't have money to buy a car, (so) the new highways doesn't t work for those who use busses. We need a decent transportation system.I hope you can understand my problem and think about the solution.

Sincerely,Vania Flores Venegas.

What I can say abouit Vania´s blog!!!

Hello Classmates!!! (How "red" that sounds)

I was reviewing Vania´s blog and I have to say that the best of her ae the photos she has with her little child, who is very very nice!!!

Referring about the layout she choose, this is very normal but attractive at the same time.
I think grren colour mkes the things look much better.
In spite of the fact she has not got many much free time Vania has dedicated a few of it in decorating and improving the appearence of the site.
Sha has also dome some nice decorations with great letters, that, of course I imitated to write in mines.

On the other hand, the posts she has done are very interesting, although she has some grammar mistakes. But these are, maybe because she made them in a hurry!!!
Finally,what I suggest her to improve her blog is to keep on decorating and writing good things, becuse that will hepl her to improve her skills and to not make her blog boring.
It would be a good idea if she continues uploadinh photos of her son, so taht we can see how he is growing up!!!

And of course, what I request her to do is to show photographes of her pets (dogs ann cats), to see if they are well or bad treated. If they are suffering I am going to take drastic decisons, like take Vania to jail for being a inhuman being!!! Hahaha!!!

Looking for a bit of Company!!!

Hello everyone!!!,
First of all, I have to admit that I had never looked for people in such a funny and public way, like the internet. But I hope It will work out.
Anyways, my name is Leonor and I am 20 years old. I am a tall, nice Argentinian woman, who has curly black hair and small brown eyes. I am noral looking, and I really love wearing clothes depneding on my hunour state.I usually wear large colourful or rounded white earings because my mum says that they make my face shine.
Personally, I am a very generous, toleramt and honest Lady, and I really enjoy helping people in need and feeding dogs form the streets.
Studying is veryy funny for me, I thnk that to be educated is the only way to become a good person.
Due to all that, I´m looking for someone who I can share my interest with and that I can als spend good times at big, long and green spaces like Parks, mountains and stuff like that.
My best guy must have a very expanded and permanent capacity of helping people and a big critichal thinking.
About his appearence, what I would like most than everything else would be if the guy has big black eyes and a perfect sun- tanned skin.
I am not asking for a lot of things, aren´t I ?. So I hope i can find someone to be able to transform the world.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

Formal Letter!!!

Dear President,

It is with regret that I have decided to write this letter to express my sadness for one ofthe main problems that affect this country: Street´s Dogs.
Although there are a lot of associations that fight to avoid this situation, I think this is not enough. First of all, because some of these associations do not recieve money from the state, working only with economical resources given by people. In some cases these do not cover all the needs of the members, so that,they have to stop picking up dogs from the streets and, as a result, the problem increases again.
On the other hand, I feel that while this situation is worsening each day, our Goverment spends the money in things tah we are not ble to see or to enjoy, because all the requests we have made to you a long time ago are still without a solution. For example: Low quality in Education, Public Transport,Increasing poorless, Unemployment has grown up in a 46 % since 2003,etc.
So, it is for this reason that I was wondering if there is any possibility to revert this in a peaceful and effective form. By saving dogs, we would create a better country, with a the spirit of charity and energy to face the problems,without minding how difficult these ones could be.
We would become into a more conscious society that could start getting closer to transfom their country into a developed and respectful place.
Remember that despite of the fact that dogs are animals,they are alive beings that deserve the same love and treat that us.
I hope you can understand my requests and think about this. I´m on your service if you need help.

Yours sincerely,

Mª Leonor Malverde B.

Student from Universidad Alberto Hurtado

martes, 14 de abril de 2009

What I do at Easter

What I love doing during holy week is being with family and doing funny thins wwith them.
I also try to relax my body and my mind and have some introspective moments to think about how my life is going on.
I think about if I 've made something wrong, and look for fixing the problem.
And something I really love doing is going to events where I can help people who need to have a better life.


Talk, Talk
