viernes, 26 de junio de 2009


Inversion 1

. She had never seen anything so beautiful before.
.The effects are becoming apparent only now.
.Exhibits must be touched on no account
.You rarely find a coin of this age in such a good condition
.When she got home, she realized what had happened.

Inversion 2

.Nowhere in the world is there a city with as many beautiful monuments as Rome.
.Very rarely do you come across anyone nowadays who hasn’t been abroad.
.Only by living in a country where the language is spoken can you learn it.
.Under no circumstances should tourist be allowed to visit the Antarctic.
.Not until you’ve tried French cuisine will you know what good food is.
.Not only did I hate visiting monuments as a child but also I couldn’t stand going into museums.
.Only recently have I started going on holiday without my parents.
.Never again will I come back to that place I went to last year on holiday.

Inversion 3

Last vacation, not only did I spend a terrible vacation in a Caribbean hotel, but also I didn’t rest at all.
At no time did I receive the information I needed to not to get confused with my number of room and the cost of my staying.
Only when I woke up the next day, someone explained me how much will the cost be.
No sooner did I give the assistant MasterCard, she told me that they only accepted Visa.
Not once had I had a worst vacation like this.
Never again will I come back to that hotel.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

My Blogging experience

Good morning everyone;

To be honest, it results difficult for me to give and objective opinion about my experience in Language V. Actually I’m kind of disappointed and unhappy with my performance during this semester. So, my mood has gotten terrible for this reason and I suppose that I am not able to think positive. However, I will make an effort.
According to the Blog, I have to admit that it was a very good and innovating way to improve our writing skills. In fact, by doing this, I could recognize which are the mistakes and find the way to avoid them.
In spite of the fact I am not really keen on technology because it is a complete nightmare for me,the Blog resulted to be pretty easy to use. That was a complete good aspect for me. If it hadn’t been such as simple, I would have probably had to write by hand.
On the other hand, Blog also was a good tool to keep in touch with my classmates and to get more information about their tastes. I also learnt more about their opinions of some specific topics and of course, I realized about the writing mistakes they also had.
Related to the improvement we have made since we started posting, I believe that these ones have helped us to become into better writers, able to recognize not only our own mistakes, but also others.
Posting also was useful for me, in order to not be afraid of expressing my ideas or let people know about myself. I used to dislike the idea of allow people know me because of the thinking or opinion they could have after being familiar with me.

Now, I am not afraid anymore and I feel free to express everything I want in any situation. Of course, I know that I should be respectful and not go over other people opinions and ideas.
In conclusion, this is what I can say about the Blog, without feeling terribly depressed about this semester. I tried to be as optimistic as I could. I hope you can understand me.
Regards, Leonor.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

Favourite websites!!!

Hi again!!! Well, Iam more relaxed. Although I m still nervous because of the essay we were asked to write.

Anyway, we just have to wait...

On the ohter hand I have to write abou my favourite website. However, I do not have only one site. If I divided my websites into cathegories I would say that:

If I want to look for the last news that have happened in the world I chose , where news are brief but concretes. I also read

However, If I just want to read about weird things or paranormal events I go to . Actually, I am thinking in giving up this site, because it has become a little bit ridiculous with the tales and news it has.

I sign in daily, to see how many dogs were adopted, how many were born and how many are still without a sweet home.

I suggest you to bacome into a member of this fantastic association, which is always trying to give dogs and cats the treat they deserve.

I am not a very active fan of facebook. Actually I do not have idea why I bacame into a member. I supposed I was acutely boring that day.

Ok, these are some of my sites!!!. I invite you to pay a look at them. Maybe you will find something interesting.

Bye and relax your minds!!!

sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

The Simpsons........!!!!

Hello guys!!!

Well, Although I continue with my terrible flu, I am feeling better today.

I love the topic I have to speak about.

My favourite cartoons are The Simpsons!!!.

The are, undoubtely the most fantastic society critics of all.

Simpsons have made a cosiderable revolution in many countries due to the fact that their chapters show some typical problems that normal families have to face in the society where they live.

Matt Greoning, Simpsons creator, is an very creative person who reproduces in the cartoons the thinkings he has about the society.

Simpsons have been in air for about 20 years and have been translated into 12 different languagues. The are believed to continue existing ever after because Matt Greoning adecuates the cartoons to each period that ocurrs in the reality.

My favourite character is Bart. Homer makes me go nuts sometimes bacause of his stupid behaiviour. Marge is the perfect wife but kind of innocent in some moments.

Lisa is the special girl who hate the established system and fights to change it.

Maggie is the yougest girl, who ir growing up in a pretty complex way because she receives the examples of her family, which are sort of bad for a little baby.

Simpsons are the best, I hope they never end.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

Hi !!!

Sorry if I am posting too late but yestarday I was so sick. The flu is killing me. The Doctor told me to stay in bed until monday, but as I am a achingly responsible student, here I am.
OK, we were asked to talk about something I hate doing at Home.
To be honest, I love cleaning my house, specially my bedroom because there is where I spend most of the time doing homework or watching television.
The only thing that I am not allowed to do is cooking, but not because I am not good at it but because It is my mother´s favourite activity, so, nobody can get into her territory.
Onthe other hand in what of the house chores I am not good at ironing clothes, because I always leave the neck of the shirts creased.
Anyway, I believe that to have a complete special time in our home, wehave to keep it clean and shine. That's the clue.

martes, 9 de junio de 2009

Number 20!!!

Hi!!!, Well, to be honest, I do not have any idea why do I like this number but...I love it!!!

Actually, it could because is a pair digit and I love pair numbersM

My birthday is on the 20th and It is one of the moments where my family get together and we have a marvellous time. That is another reason why I like this number.

Another digit which is quite good for me is number 3 and 4 , because on February the 3rd band on September the 4th, my niece Florencia and mt nephew Diego were born. Those dates are very special for me.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

Home sweet home!!!

Hi again!!! As some of you know, I live in a flat (located in a block of flats) with my big nice family. It is a white and beige large flat, with 8 rooms and a confortable balcony plenty of little green plants like tulips, lupins, and a kind of carnivore plant that it is supposed to clean the air microbes. I think it is carnivore because Koda has gotten some injuries when she has been close to it. Ok!!! the laundry room is small and too white. It is also Koda's dinning room. Neht to this one, You will see the kitchen that has, obviously has the typical things like the kitchen, the refrigerator, the sink, etc. Inmediately after the kitchen you will find the dinning room and the living room near it, which is tastely decorated. At the left of the living room you will see the guests toilet which it is in urgent needs of repair, because I broke the wall trying to put a picture... Mum almost killed me. Infront of the toilet, there are two bedrooms: mines and my sister`s . Both are distingishly painted in beige colours. My bedrrom is my temple, so I keep it in perfect cleaning conditions. My parents`bedroom is close to mine, at the right of it. This one is the biggest bedroom and the other bathroom is there.
In spite of I miss to have a gerden of a big backyard as I used to have in Argentina I love my flat and I have spent many good times there!!!
Have a good week!!!


Hi Classmates!!! Well, due to the fact of many people have told me the faboulous things and places that Chiloe has it, I am completly decide to visit it some day.
Actually, I do not know a lot about this city, just that it is located in the south of Chile and it is plenty of legends and miths.
My boyfriend, who has visited Chiloe twice talked me about the pictureless house that can be moved from one place to another one. I think they are called "Palafitos".
Of Course I am going to try all the different typical food that Chiloe offers to tourists like "Curanto en Hoyo", "Chapalele", etc.
Definitely, If I go there, I will buy all kind of clothes made of that warm wool I have heart a lot.
As I love knowing about different cultures I will take some lesssons of the common dance that people form this city has. It is called "Baile Chilote".
Despite of being so expensive, I have been recommended to visit it as soon as possible because of its beauty and nature. So, I believe that my money will be well wasted if I spend it on travelling to Chiloe.
Regards!!!, Leonor.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

Factors that reduce motivation in students!!!

Hi dear classmates!!!

Let me introduce my future e-ssay!!

In the first part of my e-ssay I will give my own arguments to show my reasons of why I consider that motivation is such an important aspect in children development.
After that, I will explain the real situation that is happening in schools by these days. How motivation has been vanished from children learning skills will be my central point.
After presenting the problem I will explain and show what are the main factors that provoque this problem of lack of motivation.
Finally, I will conclude by giving some pieces od advices to solve the problem and suggetions not only for teachers but also for children because both must work together and find a good solution to transform eduaction into a good and motivating way to learn.
See you!!!

Absolutely agree!!!

Good Morning everyone!!!

Ok, after listening to Sir Ken´s monologue (which I must admit it was sort of difficult) I say that I completly agree with most of the things he mentioned abou education, specialy when he explained that "creativity is as important in schools as literacy and that we should treat it with the same importance".

Sir Ken also gives some examples of how teachers restrict children imagination and he examplifies this with experience of the girl who was drawing God´s face and the teacher bothered at her.

However this situation not only happens in Sir Ken´s country, but also here in Chile. Actually in believe that this is a problem in almost the entire world.

Chilean schools have had many problems during these last years because pupils have emerged to fight against a system which is not focussed in their good development as autonomous citizens.

However, their requierements were not heart by educative institutions and the problem has worsened drastically.

Teachers should be prepared at the Universities to change this system. They should also be given of some new tools and strategies that help them to support pupils autonomy and social development.

Education does need fixing because it has have mistakes and problems since I was a girl.

Students are not the same as they were 30 years before and the world has changed too.

So, teachers must get adapted to each period to not bacome into boring inexperted professionals.

Nevertheless, there are some methodologies that should continue existing like test and evaluation but they lso ought to be changes in terms of form and ways.

For example: tests would less frightening for children if they were not only with exact information from a text book, but also if they could give "THEIR OWN" opinion and constructive critic to the topic which is being evaluated.

That is a good form to educate ciritical people and with cognitive knowledge at the same time...

I expect having tools and energy enough to make a change and to transnform the world and make it better.
Have nice weekend!!!

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Reading tastes!!!

Ok, this a topic I also like to talk about!!!

Personally, I think that my common type of books are those which let you something strong to think about, like a learning or a new point of you you did not have before.

That is the reason why people should read, to have more knowledges about some aspects in special.

However, my mood also makes me prefer reading science fictionsometimes. Specially,books referred to topics like UFO, Paranormal Events, Palm Reading, etc. I am a complete mistical person. And this readings also are useful to relax myself from the stress of this reality.

If I had to recommend you a good book that teaches you how important is being brave and strong to achieve our goals I would definitely choose an autobiography called "Mi planta de Naranja Lima", by the Brazilian author Jose Mauro de Vasconcelos.

In spite of the sadnes of thta book you will realize after read it that it doesn`t matter how much suffering you have had in your life if you are keen on improve and fight agains them.

On the other hand, this book also shows the poorest part of a country that is visited by many tourist during the who do not notice that situation.

It is a short book, no more than 300 pages but it startes changuing youe thinkings since the beggining of the lecture...

You should read it as soon as possible. It produces you an entire feeling of going on in spite despite of everything.

Nevertheless if you want to feel a little bit scared I undoubtedly suggest you to read book like "God, Evils and UFO", "Dolls House", "Bermudas Traingule". Actually I do not remermber their author and I am too busy to look for them in the web. So please if you are interested in them you can search for more information by your own...
Have Peace!!!

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

What I would like to learn!!!

Hi classmates!!! Oh!!! Ifeel terrible I do not know if I got the flu or something like that but I have not stopped caughing since this morning.


Today the topic is kind of difficult because I am plenty of things I would like to learn.

One of the most exotic and aleternative is to learn "Reflexology".

This is an natural therapy which consits in relaxing our bodies and minds through very delicate massages in our feet.

Why feet? Because they have all the brain ending connections that go arround our bodies.

This connection are estimulated by being massaged, so the body produces more substances that help and improve our health.

With this kind of help plus the medical one, people can fight against illness like stress, sevre headaches, digestive problems, and all type of illnes that are affecting our society by these days.

Reflexology can also increase the proteins and the liquids the body needs to resist a treatment like chemotherapy (to those who have cancer or leukemia), tritherapy (to those who have AIDS), etc.
For that reasons and because I love helping people not only by teaching, but also with others methos is why I would like to have time and money to pay a "Reflexology" course.
Recenlt, people hava also started doing Reflexoly not only in feet. They also do it in hands and head.
What a complete method, don´t you think?...

martes, 2 de junio de 2009

My Niece and Nephew!!!

Here I am again!!! Now, my topic will be focused in one of the most significant people in my life:

My niece Florencia and my nephew Diego.

Both are my sister`s children. Flor is 6 years old and she satrted first grade this year. Fortunatelly, she has had a remarkable bahaiviour, in spite of it is achingly difficult for her to keep hersel quiet.

When I knew that my Sister was pregnat I felt that the life was not going to give me anything better because being an aunt was something I had always wanted.

Sadly, I was still in Argetnina and my sister was here. So I was not able to live her pregnancy time with her.

When Flor was born I was the happiest person in the whole country. We had already moved to Chile so, everything was perfect.

After arriving home Florencia became into the center of attentio of the whole family. Honestly I could not avoid feeling a little big jelaous but it was just for a short time.

I learnt everything related with baby care by practicing with Florencia.

The first times I used to change her nappies in the wrong way and I also used to go nuts when she cried terribly loud and without knowing the reason.

However, everything I learnt with Flo helped me to tke care of Diego in a very easy and effcient way.

Diego is one year old and he is accutely cute and nice. He started bubbling like 6 month ago and actually, he has improved his vocabulary magnificiently. He knows words like "Papa" , "Mama", "No se", "Quiero comer", "No", etc, etc. She calls me "Nonor" and calls my boyfriend "Nmanuel".

They are a strong support for me to continue achieving goals. In spite of I have been kind of far away from them because of the University works, they know that I love them so much and that I am going to give them and help in everything they need.
I love my sister for having given me these two people and I am deeply greatful of having been so lucky.

A pet I loved!!!

Hi my dear classmates!!! Well, as you have seen I have already spoken about Koda, so I am not repeating the story. However, as I am an animals fan I feel glad to talk now about my pet I had like 9 years ago. Actually it was not a pet, it was a wild animal. It was an Opposum. Her name was "Rayita" because of her long black stripe in her head.

Rayita arrived to my house after my brother found her in a park. She was starving when I met her and she looked ill and horrified. We thought she was not going to survive.

We took her to the vet, who told us to start feeding her with milk and very little amounts of meat. And he also advised us that we shoul give "Rayita" to the "Zoo" because those wild animals were forbbiden to live as domestic pets.

Of course, we only followed the first instruction the vet gave us, because I was completly opposed to the idea of leavig "Rayita".

After some time, like 2 or 3 weeks Rayita got a perfect health and she bacame into a part of the family, together with Yuly, my 5 years small white dog.

It is supposed that Opposums do not go over 3 or 4 kilos and that they are prepared to climb trees, run so fast and being without eating for long periods of time. But Rayita lost her wild nature completly . She used to have two meals a day and to drink like a half liter of milk too.

If I put her on a tree she did not know what to do to descen from it. Her weight was like 6 kilos . The only aspect she keep from her wild nature was the bad and disgusting smell she expelled from her tail whe she got angry. Foxes normally do that to defend themselves from human attacks.

Rayita had a memorable life with my family and I. I still remember hoe fun I had playing with her and my dog and the giant quantity of bread and cheese we ate together.

She died in the year 2000, and in spite I still miss her I know that she had a remarkable time as a domestic pet.


Note!!!: I did not have a digital camera 9 years ago so I can`t upload a real picture of her. But this is the most similar I could find.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

My ideal Holidays!!

Mmmm ,actually, I have been feeling so sad and frustrated by these days because, due to the fact that we have a lot of things to doI am not spending the time I would like to spend together with my family. To be honest I am seeing my Dad only in the mornings because when he arrives in the night I am studying, or typing worksheets orpractising phonetics or stuff like thta. So I do not share the dinner with him... neither with Mum.
For that reason I feel that a pefect vacation to get my mood better would be in the North of Chile; more specific in a place called "Valle del Elqui", which is located like 3 hours away from La Serena City.
Valle del Elqui is sort of a mysthic place. Itis summerged beteween giants and impressive mountains and it is like 2000 meters high.
It is a mini city,where you can stay in fantastic hotels, you can got and know wooden marvelous pubs and restaurants and of courseyou do have to go for a walk in the night and receive a complete tour where you can appreciate the whole sky, full of stars which seem to be very close to the top ofyour nose.
If your are lucky you can see a U.F.O, and improve your staying there.
I have been in Valle del Elqui 3 times and I wouldrepeat my experience again and again. Of course the things go better if are in a good company. So,Mum, Dad and Koda!!!! wouls be the best partenderfor me to enjoy this experience again.
Regards!!! Leonor.

Talk, Talk
