miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

What I would like to learn!!!

Hi classmates!!! Oh!!! Ifeel terrible I do not know if I got the flu or something like that but I have not stopped caughing since this morning.


Today the topic is kind of difficult because I am plenty of things I would like to learn.

One of the most exotic and aleternative is to learn "Reflexology".

This is an natural therapy which consits in relaxing our bodies and minds through very delicate massages in our feet.

Why feet? Because they have all the brain ending connections that go arround our bodies.

This connection are estimulated by being massaged, so the body produces more substances that help and improve our health.

With this kind of help plus the medical one, people can fight against illness like stress, sevre headaches, digestive problems, and all type of illnes that are affecting our society by these days.

Reflexology can also increase the proteins and the liquids the body needs to resist a treatment like chemotherapy (to those who have cancer or leukemia), tritherapy (to those who have AIDS), etc.
For that reasons and because I love helping people not only by teaching, but also with others methos is why I would like to have time and money to pay a "Reflexology" course.
Recenlt, people hava also started doing Reflexoly not only in feet. They also do it in hands and head.
What a complete method, don´t you think?...

5 comentarios:

  1. REFLEXIOLOGY? I think that I never heard this word before... But, antway I think that you would be a great learner of this...=)

  2. if you learn Reflexology, can you give me a massage, please?

  3. mmmm, I need an appoinment please.
    I'll call you

  4. I want a massage too, it feels so nice, I give myself massage in my feets, but I am not flexible enough to do it too much time

  5. I'm a really ticklish person so nobody can touch my feet (not that they'd want too!!). For this reason I prefer acupuncture. I have a very good, cheap Chinese doctor I go to see. The benefits are great.


Talk, Talk
