domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

The base of Humanity!!!

I deeply believe that to make and to transform this world we do really need to improve the quality of education and to extend the possibily of being educated to every single person. Education is a right, so everyone must have acces to it.
However, Education shoul change in aspects such as:
Teacher should be prepared not only for teaching knowledges like Maths, Language, Literature, History, etc. They also ought to teach and transmit values, moral, useful experiences tha help pupils to feel interested in being better people. Teacher must also be ready to receive pupils constructive critics and viceversa because in that way not only teachers are going to educate, but also pupils.
In addition, the whole edaucative community, that means directors, teacher, pupils perents must be arranged to improve all weaknesses and to make all the good aspects much better.
Something that would bring good result is would be tha fact tha teacher could find a method where all pupils could feel taht they can be do whatever they want if they study, because by doing this, they would be able to achieve every single problem in their life.
On the other hand, there is not an specific age to study or to try to excell themselves. So, nobody should discriminate those people who want to study after becoming into adults because that can also afford to a better future.
As a second aspect of my brief reflextion, I support the idea that if teachers changed their arcaic and ancient methodologies of teaching they would produce a remarkable possitive modificatin in students behaiviours because they would feel education closer to them and more atractive too.
Therefore, students would work enthusiastically.
To make my ideas clearer, I think that as a future teacher I would educated my pupild under 4 aspects, that in my opinion are essential to form good citizens. This aspects have been told by a very important author, specialized in Education called Jaques Delors.
These are:
Learning to be: it means that teachers must give pupild tool to be useful and productive pupils. They also must teach pupils to become into authentic and autonomous people but with the capacity of working in groups.
Learning to do: means to teach student how to do good and effcient things and how to face the laboral life in the future, where they will have to compit but respecting others and without forgetting values and moral.
Learning to live together: pupils, at the end of their educative life, should have obtained the tools to accept different people and all kind of diversity that destiny could show them.
Learning to know: means rthat pupils do need to know and to discover different types of realities, and selects in which one he or she feels more confortable to live in and to help too.
That is mostly what Ibelieve of education.
I hope I can do a good job in my profession.

My perfect City!!!

Actually I did not like Victory City at all. Maybe I am too realistic to think about a place like that because, first of all, we have to fix the worl where we are living these days.
Because of that reason I would say that my seggestions to solve the real problems like poorless, lack of work, education quality, animals extinction, streets dogs, etc, woul be.
First we really need to make people have conscious abput the situation of the worl. That could be made by doing massive meetings, more cruel reposrts to show the complete problem, and after doing that we could encourage people with a hich economical level to spend a bit more of their money or salary on associations that help to solve these kind of problems.
We definitely need to prepare future adults to this project, I mean we should show children the reality since they start school and persuade them that this problem, in spite of being such as difficult, they do have a solution.
On the other hand, work and national capital would be equitatively distributed in my "Perfect City". Therefore nobody would be earning less salaries that the one they need to feed their family and to have ab confortable life quality.
Referring to education, I would to give an exam like "PSU or PAA" or something like that would become strictly forbidden. Stuident would have a year to take some kind of test to realize in whci areas rthay are good at, so after one year of training they could beggin studying everything they want dependind on their abilities and strenghts. Of course they would not have to pay anything.
Education is a right established many times ago in the international article that refers to the Humans rights.
The same woul happen with medicine and health in my "Perfect City". Nobody wpould have to sell everything they have to be able to pay a treatment against any kind of ill. They probably would pay just for some medicines but not for the whole treatment. By this method, muche more lives that today would be saved and not only lives of people who can really afford to pay it.
Streets dog would dissapear, because the goverment should invest money in associations that have dogs safe inside it.º
So, I strongly believe that we shoul start changing the structure which is established right now, and then think about a city like "Victory City"
Take Care!!!

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009


Hi everyone!!!

Ok!!! Fortunatelly this is a topic I really like too.

Dreams , What are dreams? During a long time this subject was not important to anybody but It was Sigmud Freud the first in 1895 the one who gave a scientific theory about what dreams are and how important they are to us.

He explained that when you have a great necessity of doing, saying or finishing something but you are not able to make that wishes true or possible, this ones come back to the " cerebral cortex" and locate it into the unconscious part of the brain. Tehre when we get into the second part of the sleepy (there are theree), this unconscious part satrt working and produces signasls tha catch the wish which was saved there and mixes it with the others frustarted wishes that had been saved there before.

That is why most of the time dreams are sort of incoherent or weirds, because they all get mixed when we sleep.

However, Freud also said that there are some particular moods which can modified dreams and can trasnform them into something pretty close with the reality that the person or his relatives are facing.

Referring to "premonitory drems" Freud sueggested the theory that due to tha fact that if the people are very worried about their or somebody else´s health , or they have economical problems, or something like that, they uasully go to bed such as worried that when they fall asleep tha conscious part tranfers thiis worries to the unconscious part and this one takes this information and begins processing a variety of images that becomes into dreams that in general, show a way to solve the problem that is happening in the reality.

But this is what a scientific said. There are some others theoris that support the starnge idea tha dreams are a response of our most unknown wishes that for any reason, we won´t be able to do it.

On the other hand since many people in the world have had similars dreams tha contained the same elements, there is another theory tha has given dreams a particular ans specific meaning like:

If you dream with raw meat it means that somebody in your family is going to die. The same destiny will occur if someone has a dream where part of his dentadure falls down or a tooth gets broken.

If you dream with a lot of descomposed food it means that you are going to receive money or someone will have a baby.

If you dream tha someone you love dis it means that he or she is going to live for a lot of time.

If you dream with water, be careful, bad news!!! You will get ripped and will get into needs.

Anyways, al of this won´t be known, but anther person keen on this topic once asked...


miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

It just another normal year!!!

Actually, since I learnt to think by myself, I have heard stories about the end of the world.

To be honest, this is a topic in which I am acutely interested in. Due to this reason there are hundreds of books I have read and investigated during these years and I have the perception that some people are mistaking or missunderstanding what year 2012 (specifficaly December the 21º) is going to bring with him.

To those who are thinking they will pass away in that year, please relax!!! The world won`t be completly destroyed and neither people are going to be killed by any war, or epidemy or something like that, because if you think realistically,people are already dying by these disasters by these days and have done it for ages.

The most credible experts have given the theory that what is believed to be happened in 3 years more, is a phenomena called " Solar Equinox". This one consists in an abrupt change of the sun`s movement where the magnetism that protects our earth against the space´s trush is destroyed due to the deep temperatures.

So, when this happens, there Earth will get vulnerable to receive the trush from the space and this fact will cause bad effects in terms of weather, nature, animals´behaiviours and of course, human being´s lifestyle.

Therefore, if the whole enviorment is modified by this phenomena, our way to survive will have to change. We will have to accept the idea that probably we will suffer a kind of backward movement or a recession.

Because of the bad weather there will be plants that are going to disappear , animals that will not be able to be eaten because they will get ill, aspects of the technology that won´t work as well as they do today, new born children who whose parents won´t be able to raise them in a possitive way due to the lack of some vital resources, etc, etc, etc...

But, we won´t die!!! Experts say. And they support the idea that since the beggining of the human history, people have learnt to adapt their bodies, minds and spirits into established patherns.

Therefore, they believe that 2012 year will be a moment in the existence where humans wll have to get used to living differently and thinking about how to rebuild and replace what was destroyed.

In my personal opinion I believe the we are always living and facing bad moments in this Earth, because if you pay a look at the world you realize that there is poorless right now, that animals are being extincted every day by humans, that people and dogs are starving in the streets day by day, that politicians make up a perfect discourse and they do not solve citizens´problems...

So, 2012 year will be as every single year we have lived, because the worl is being destroyed righ now.

But do not forget that there are still people who will fight against problems and will spend their whole life looking for a much better and equitative world.

I am one of those people, Would do like to join me...?

And you... Do you believe in ghosts?

Since ancient times, a significant amount of humans being have had the belief or feeling that we are not the only ones who live in this terrestrial plain. Some of the arcaics and religous cultures like Egypts, Hindues, etc, used to think that after dying, their soul generally climb up to the heaven. There this one was going to be born again (reencarnation).

However, if the person who died had made many mistakes in life, the soul was not going to be able to mount to the heaven and as a cruel punisment for having done terrible actions it was sentenced to live as a spirit in this earth ever after, trying to fix and clean his souls by helping alive people.

This is mostly, a brief tale that exists to explain the belief in ghosts, but of course there are a hundreds more.

So, the point is to try to know a bit more about what is happening by these days with this supposition thta ghosts do really exist?. We obviously have heard millions of stories referring to people who have experienced a ghost meeting in their homes, works, cementeries etc. But, how can we trust on all of them if the topic of ghost is very easy to be manipulated and taken as a way of playing jokes? Moreover, technology helps to make this topic much more unbelievable due to the fact that some special effects can convert an ordinary photograph or video record into a “horrible and terrorific” ghost appearing.

On the other hand, some other experiences related by different people have shown the posibility that ghosts do exist or at least, there are some types of non seen presences in places these people usually visit, specially after the death of someone they knew.

Experts think that sometimes people who die unexcpectedly, their soul do not go up to the “heaven” immediately because they have not realized yet that they are dead, so they keep themselves in this plain but in such a way that they are not completly alive and dead either.

Other people who are keen on this topic defend the idea that ghoss exist because they need to do something here which did not have time, bravery or oportunity to do it when they were alive...

And you...? What do you think is the real true? Think about this, because you can be always be with someone you can not see, but it is taking care of you... Regards!!!

About Jesus Servidor School!!!

Hello everyone!!! I hope you are in perfect conditions in spite of the fact that the swine flu has made Chilean people felt completely scared and with a deep feeling of paranoia.

But surely, scientifics will find the vaccine against this new illness and after some time this one will be forgotten by the hold world population.

On the other hand, I am so glad of my ELAB I because I have improved all my teaching skills, due to the fact of many of the students have criticized us just with the purpose to make us know about what we were doing bad or what we can make a progress in the thing we do accutely good.

We were practically astonished with the remarkable form they spoke to us, without feeling embarrased and plenty of enthusiasm.

With that experience we grasped that they have a possitive attitude with the idea of change some established metodologies, which are sometimes, kind of inadequate and boring for them.

Therefore, my group and I do need to create new strategies because, by doing this the hold school comunity will be lerning and changuing the aspects that present lack of motivation or good knowledges.

We are sensible to the fact of being a teacher is believed to be an achingly jos. However, my classmates and I do know that every single or group effort that we will do is going to give us a good result and a new achievemnt to face, which surely will trasnform us in a much better professional each day.

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009


I needed to dedicate a complete post to my Pet Koda!!!! Some of you have had the honor of knowing her like Vania, Nathalie, Cynthia, Consuelo, Viviana, Miguel,etc.
Ok!!!! Koda is a middle size, smart black dog. It was named like this after my niece watched the film "Tierra de Osos" and the main character had the name.
Koda is 2 years old and she is so clever, I taught her to greet people politely. But sometimes she gets so anxious and starts jumping a lot, though.
I carry her everywhere I can, She has been in parties, visits, publis events, parks, etc and in spite of some dislikes of my friends to have Koda in their houses they know that it is strctly forbidden to look at her angrily.
Koda is very important for me, she is another friend more, and sometimes it is better because when i do not want to listen to responses about a problem I tell them to her and she just keeps quiet without saying a word I mean, without barking at all.
Of course, Koda sleeps with me because I am afraid of the dark so Koda makes me feel much more confortable and teke my fears of.
Koda is very extroverted I think, actually she is too extroverted and sometimes she pretends to be the centre of attention in the house. When my nephew Diego was born she got accutely jelaous and we had to be very careful to not let her alone with the baby, bcause she could attack him.
But, despite of that Koda is a member in the family that make us smile and laugh all the time... almost.
Ilove her, and we make a very goos team together... I wsh all dogs could beloved ad Koda is love by all people who know her.

My friends!!!

Another significant thing to talk about are my friends!!! Actually, it`s been always difficult for me to establish firendships, but fortunately, the life gave me four greats people: Ludmila, who has been my friend during 13 years and lives in Argentina (despite of th distance, we keep on touch perfectly), Michelle called nicely "Manita or Cabeza", Carolina and Pipe called "Gon". They are friends 6 years ago, and if it had not been for their support in some situations I would have failed some of my achievments.
They know a lot, they can realize I i had problems or if I have gotten into troubles. They are my "cable to earth" and together with my family they make me feel the luckiest person in the hold world!!!
They trust on me an I hope not to dessilusionate them. I am very kind with them and I often remermber them my grattitude, by writting a letter, inviting them to have dinner, lunch an ice cream, spending time with them or just with a short phone call to knoe abput how the life is going on.
Now, I am trying to make more friends inthe University and I hope I can do excellent friends to make my life more marvellous...
Feeling so Happy... I say good bye!!!

My Family!!!!

Well as I had to slect a topic to speak about I think thta one of the most important is My Family!!!
Well, I live with my Parents Roberto and Teresa, my Sister Mane my Brother in law, Cote, my niece Florencia my nephew Diego and of course I have my pet called Koda!!!!
I have another brother called Diego who lives in Argentina with his wife Veronica, andI admit that one of my pains is to be far away from him. I miss him so much.
In spite of the normal argues we can have, we really love each other and we are always there when someone needs to be helped. I love them, and I feel sou glad to have perents like I have because although they had terrible moments in their lives (both were exiled during the Dictatorship), they coul face everything and achieved the situation with succesful results.
On the other hand, mum and dad have been excellent parents with we 3, We are what we are because of them and their teachings. They taught me to be respectful, honest and suportive person because that is the best way to have good life quality. Iwas raiced with extraordinary critical thinking and love for the animals too. Tht is why I love dogs.
I am always telling them how much I love them and I know that everything they have done in their lives has been for our happiness. !!!
Now you know that I am a complete "MAMONA", and I am so proud of that!!!!!

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

One of my favourite movies is the Elephant man, by the American director David Lynch!!!! It was made ion the year 1980 and it was stared by Anthony Hopkins ,Jhon Hurt.
This film relates the story of Joseph Merrick, a man who is born with a deformity in his hold body that gives him the appearence similar to an elephant. For this reason he suffers punisment and discrimination from others.
Actually, this film demostrates how humans being can not accept different people and how bad they can be, forgetting all kind of values and moralitythat they are supposed to have learnt during their childhood.

I like this song because it shows how money can make people become ambicious and powerful without minding the rest of the people who surround them.
Money can destroy people values and dignity and these people start living just to have much more money and at the end of their lives they realize how lonely they have becomeand howmoney can not solve that lonely.
Sometimes people believe that money is the only way to get happines, however that is only a complement that makes your lifestyle easier.
But money can make you forget who you really are, the place where you from, and people who really love you etc... You can even destroy them just to have more and more money.
Money helps but remember that when yor die the only thing that you will carry to the other life (if there is one) is the love and the values that people who met you give to you.
See you!!!!!!!!


From the album “The Dark side of the Moon”

March 24º,1973

Money, get away.
Get a good job with more pay and you're okay.
Money, it's a gas.
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think I'll buy me a football team.

Money, get back.
I'm all right Jack keep your hands off of my stack.
Money, it's a hit.
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit.
I'm in the high-fidelity first class travelling set
and I think I need a Lear jet.

Money, it's a crime.
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie.
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today.
But if you ask for a raise it's no surprise that they're
giving none away.

"HuHuh! I was in the right!"
"Yes, absolutely in the right!"
"I certainly was in the right!"
"You was definitely in the right. That geezer was cruising for abruising!"
"Why does anyone do anything?"
"I don't know, I was really drunk at the time!"
"I was just telling him, he couldn't get into number 2. He was asking
why he wasn't coming up on freely, after I was yelling and
screaming and telling him why he wasn't coming up on freely.
It came as a heavy blow, but we sorted the matter out"

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

Talk, Talk
