sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009


I needed to dedicate a complete post to my Pet Koda!!!! Some of you have had the honor of knowing her like Vania, Nathalie, Cynthia, Consuelo, Viviana, Miguel,etc.
Ok!!!! Koda is a middle size, smart black dog. It was named like this after my niece watched the film "Tierra de Osos" and the main character had the name.
Koda is 2 years old and she is so clever, I taught her to greet people politely. But sometimes she gets so anxious and starts jumping a lot, though.
I carry her everywhere I can, She has been in parties, visits, publis events, parks, etc and in spite of some dislikes of my friends to have Koda in their houses they know that it is strctly forbidden to look at her angrily.
Koda is very important for me, she is another friend more, and sometimes it is better because when i do not want to listen to responses about a problem I tell them to her and she just keeps quiet without saying a word I mean, without barking at all.
Of course, Koda sleeps with me because I am afraid of the dark so Koda makes me feel much more confortable and teke my fears of.
Koda is very extroverted I think, actually she is too extroverted and sometimes she pretends to be the centre of attention in the house. When my nephew Diego was born she got accutely jelaous and we had to be very careful to not let her alone with the baby, bcause she could attack him.
But, despite of that Koda is a member in the family that make us smile and laugh all the time... almost.
Ilove her, and we make a very goos team together... I wsh all dogs could beloved ad Koda is love by all people who know her.

2 comentarios:

  1. Koda looks like a nice dog but that's a very small photo!!

  2. I sleep with Tom (My cat) too!! I think it's great because I feel I'm not alone


Talk, Talk
